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Fujiko Nakaya + Shiro Takatani
Demonstrative Performance
Opening events: Demonstrative Performance
August 7 (sat) 19:00–20:00
Venue: Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media
Artists: Fujiko Nakaya, Shiro Takatani, softpad, Ken Furudate
山口情報芸術センター[YCAM]で開催された中谷芙二子+高谷史郎「CLOUD FOREST」展のオープニングイベントとしてデモンストレーティブ・パフォーマンスを行った。
In addition to Fujiko Nakaya and Shiro Takatani, the members of Kyoto-based art/design collective softpad, who took charge of the sound design for this exhibition, participate in a special experimental live performance incorporating the fog, light and sound installations in the patios and foyer.
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